2 min readJan 25, 2021

What is REACT?

It’s an open source library for building user Interfaces

Not a framework

It focus mainly on UI

Rich Ecosystem

Photo by Ferenc Almasi on Unsplash

Why learn REACT

Created and Maintained by Facebook

More than 100k Stars on Github

Huge community of Developers

In Demand skillset

Why it’s a good choice?

React is declarative- You are tell React what you want and it will build Real UI for you. There are of two types. Declarative and Imperative. Let me consider a practical example. When you go to an Artists, you just wanted one Landscape, Artist will do for you without needing you to describe it’s detailed structure. In case of Imperative, let’s take Child drawing example. You first tell the child to draw Mountain first, then River, then Sun, House,etc That’s called Imperative paradigm. React comes under Declarative paradigm.

React has a component based architecture. This lets you break down your application into small encapsulated parts which can then be composed to make more complex UI.

React will make it painless for you to create complex UIs by abstracting away the difficult parts. React will handle efficiently updating and rendering just the right components in your application when your data changes. DOM updates which is one of the more expensive operations is handled gracefully in React.


Seamlessly integrate react into any of your applications.

Portion of your page or a complete page or even an entire application itself.


  1. HTML, CSS, JS Fundamentals

2. ES6

Javascript- this keyword, filter, map and reduce

ES6- let & const, arrow functions, template literals, default parameters, object literals, rest and spread operators and destructuring assignment.

In Future blogs, I will explain mainly on React, HTTP, Routing, Redux and Utilities.




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